3rd Local Route of Limassol Religious Route

EXCURSIONS / Routes / Limassol / Religious Routes / 3rd Local Route of Limassol Religious Route
The first stop of this route of Lemesos (Limassol) is in Parekklisia and the Church of Timios Stavros, which houses some very significant frescoes of Italian-Byzantine style. In Kellaki, there is the Church of Agios Georgios with its very interesting wood carved iconostasis, a work made under Turkish rule.

In the Church of Agios Nikolaos, in Klonari, there are wonderful frescoes of the 16th century, a magnificent iconostasis and the icons which decorate it are quite interesting for the visitor. In Vikla, there is the Church of Agios Ioannis tou Eleimona, the only building which has been salvaged in this abandoned village. The route then stops at the Church of Agios Georgios tis Akapnou, which is the parish church of the village.

The visit to the Church of Panagia tis Iamatikis in Arakapa is an unforgettable experience. From the inscription, we find out that it was destroyed for some reason and rebuilt in 1727. In Louvara lies the Church of Agios Mamas which is built in 1455 although it was decorated forty years later by painter Philippos Wool.

Total route length: 6 kilometres.
Start Point: Church of Timios Stavros, Parekklisia
End Point: Church of Agios Mamas, Louvaras

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